Empowering performers to realize their full potential.


Online Piano Lessons for Teens and Adults

Does this sound like you?

You want to play challenging music, but when you get to certain passages, your fingers don’t seem to work.

Maybe you don’t feel that you have a reliable technique. Pain, injury, or anxiety may be holding you back. You’re not satisfied with your progress, but you’re not sure what the alternative could be. 


There actually is an alternative: a different approach. One that takes your technique to the next level by focusing on the whole body, allowing you to play difficult passages fluidly and enjoy performing again. An approach that gives you the confidence to overcome anxiety and brings your artistry and musicianship into your performances.

Online Piano Lessons to Improve Technique


Here’s an introduction to my teaching methods and online teaching setup in my studio, where I give piano lessons for teens and adults.


I’m Lynda Saponara, an online piano teacher, and I work with pianists who are serious about learning and improving their craft.

For motivated students who want to play difficult passages with ease, I offer a whole body approach that integrates Alexander Technique to help decrease pain, tension, and performance anxiety.



Your child is an advanced pianist who is frustrated by technical limitations and can’t seem to get to the next level to play more challenging music, especially with a busy schedule at school. By learning to integrate technique with music, they’ll gain control over the sound they produce and become more efficient with their practicing. They’ll learn to solve technical issues on their own, giving them the confidence they need in their playing and their overall development.

Adult Professionals

Your music degree didn’t quite give you all the necessary tools to be a professional musician, and it’s been causing you stress. Whether you’re a collaborative pianist trying to learn large amounts of repertoire or you’re a choir director struggling to read open score in rehearsal, our lessons are designed with your real-world work scenario in mind so that you can feel confident as you go into your next rehearsal or performance.


Adult Hobbyist

You studied piano at a younger age and you’d like to take lessons again, but it’s a little intimidating, especially since you’re busy with work and other commitments. The approach we take will help you integrate technique with music, creating muscle memory that will make your practice time more efficient, and giving you the confidence you need to enjoy playing the piano in whatever performance situation is right for you.

Take your technique to the next level while playing with ease and enjoying your performances. 

Put simply, the best experience in musical/piano education I have ever had.
— Ed Smoot, Adult student